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Heads Up
- 23 November 2023 -
REVA material
Good agreements make good friends and even better colleagues. Lately, unfortunately, it happens too often that (research) material is lost. So always reserve material correctly for the necessary period and put it back in the right place. Your colleagues will thank you!

Currently missing, please put it back if in your possession:
  • Tablet 1
  • Laptop FMD
  • TGDM-3 (teaching material, normally in The Platform)
  • Blood pressure monitor 1
New MS Teams version
A new version of MS Teams is coming soon. Some users already have the option to switch over.

How do you know if you are among the lucky ones?
At the top left of your Teams, you will see the notification "Try the new Teams". If you activate it, the new version will be installed. You can still switch back to the old version (for now).

What will change?
Same same, bit different. Works faster (at least is the sales pitch), slightly different layout, for messages in a Team you can choose to put the latest one on top and the channels in a Team you can organise into main channels and hidden channels.
Alumnus of the Year
For the third year in a row, Ghent University is electing the Alumnus of the Year. All colleagues can nominate their candidate until 6 December.

Read more and nominate your candidate
Eos Pipet and POWER 2024
Eos and the Young Academy are looking for the most promising researcher in Flanders.
Candidates can apply until 20 December.
The Eos Pipet awards a young, promising researcher active in Flanders. With this award, the science magazine, in cooperation with the Young Academy, wants to bring science and technology to the attention of the general public in a positive way. The eleventh Pipet will be awarded in 2024.

The POWER awards a promising researcher active in Flanders in the field of mental health and/or addiction problems. With this award, Eos wants to bring its importance to the attention of the general public in a positive way.

More info and application
Candidacies Geneeskundige Stichting Koningin Elisabeth
The G.S.K.E. prizes are awarded on the basis of publications and are intended to reward scientific research in the university laboratory or hospital where the candidate working representing the research team is affiliated to the university. Thus, the award is not for the researcher.

Call for candidatures within the field of Parkinson's disease or related disorders.
Call for candidatures within the field of neuroscience and nervous system disorders.

Deadline is 15 January.

More info and procedure
Heads Up bundles events, reminders and short facts on a frequent basis.
One overview, multiple e-mails saved.

Questions, comments or suggestions for the Heads Up?
Let it know via thibault.bonte@ugent.be!